INFO-SESSION – 2025 Classical Africa Educational Tours: Attend the free ATR Information Session to learn about the unique upcoming tours to Kemet (Ancient Egypt): Land of the Pharaohs, June 7-21, 2025, and to Ethiopia: Land of Ancient Kush, June 24 – July 9, 2025. These unique tours “visit 25% more sites and monuments than any other educational tour.” Prof. Manu Ampim will be personally escorting both tours. (Sunday, March 16, 2025): Register here to attend the 3/16/25 Information Session for either of the Summer 2025 tours.

Interview on the “Philippe Matthews Show” – Prof. Manu Ampim on the Willie Lynch Hoax (April 18th, 2019):

Interview on “Africa Today” with host Walter Turner, KPFA Radio 94.1 FM – Prof. Manu Ampim on ancient Kush and Nubia (November 12, 2018):